Thursday, August 18, 2016

More Americans are now suffering from tinnitus

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A study published in the JAMA Otolaryngology- Head & Neck Surgery revealed that ten percent of Americans are suffering from tinnitus. The condition, characterized by the constant ringing in the ears, is intimately linked with eventual hearing loss. This finding has alarmed many medical professionals, as reported incidence is higher than initial estimates.

The dramatic increase is attributed to overexposure to noise in modern society. Constant loud noises produced by motor vehicles and construction machinery are common culprits.

More interestingly, headphones are also becoming a significant contributor to the incidence of tinnitus. More people are listening to sound through headphones, at higher volumes and for longer durations, and mostly to escape outside noise. While this allows them to block out irritating external sound, they place themselves at a higher risk of hearing loss because of the long hours they spend with this accessory. According to studies, listening to loud music for more than a few hours every day using headphones leads to poor hearing later on.

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Tinnitus can start off as a minor irritation. A third of the studied population reported constant but relatively minor symptoms. Nevertheless, treatment for these symptoms was not sought and prevention techniques were ignored or disregarded. Another third said that because they continued their unhealthy hearing and listening habits, their tinnitus condition worsened. These patients report a hearing problem that has been ongoing for an average of 15 years. The last third of respondents are on hearing aids.

Otolaryngologists encourage patients to immediately see them at the first signs of irritation or ringing. These cases are the easiest to treat.

Robert R. Beltran is an otolaryngologist passionate about educating the public about the different head and neck conditions that can affect them. To learn more, follow this Twitter account.

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