Saturday, April 30, 2016

Ways plastic surgery improves the quality of life

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When plastic surgery is mentioned, people often conjure images of Hollywood celebrities who, in an effort to keep aging at a standstill, become unrecognizable. There is, however, a much more positive side to facial and body reconstruction. It has been proven countless times that people who have suffered traumatic facial or body injuries now enjoy a better life because of plastic surgery. Here’s why.

Usually, people with burn injuries have plastic or reconstructive surgery done to the affected areas. Patients, especially those with extensive skin damage experience suffer not only physical but psychological damage as well. When their appearance has been drastically altered, burn victims turn to isolation, not wanting the rest of the world to see the deformities caused by the injuries. And the feeling of isolation is not only seen in burn victims. People who figure in horrific vehicular accidents suffer the same psychological trauma due to disfigurement. For many burn and car crash victims, undergoing plastic surgery brings back some sense of normalcy, allowing them to look in the mirror and see the people they once were.

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Studies have also revealed that overweight and obese people who go through body-contouring procedures such as abdominoplasty and breast reduction exhibited significant improvements in their quality of life. They can perform daily tasks better. They feel more accepted socially. They report improved sexual relationships. They are more comfortable with themselves. Overall, they are psychologically healthier.

Dr. Robert R. Beltran is an Irvine-based specialist in otolaryngology and plastic surgery within the head and neck. For more articles on otolaryngology and plastic surgery, subscribe to this site.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Swallowed a fish bone? Home remedies to try before going to the doctor

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Many people have experienced accidentally swallowing fish bones. Many types of fish have very small bones that can go unnoticed by unwary diners.

While painful and uncomfortable, swallowing a fish bone rarely constitutes a medical emergency. If the fish bone swallowed is small, it often gets dislodged on its own. To speed up the process, individuals who have accidentally swallowed a small fish bone can try the following home remedies:

• Take a large bite out of a banana but do not chew it. Moisten it thoroughly with saliva before swallowing. The banana chunk should be slippery enough to move through the throat, hopefully taking the fish bone along with it.

• Chew a mouthful of marshmallows until they're sticky and soft enough to be swallowed. The marshmallows should be able to push the fish bone down the throat and through the digestive tract.

• Spread nut butter, such as peanut or almond, on a small piece of bread. Place the piece of bread in the mouth and moisten it with saliva before swallowing. The sticky nut butter combined with the soft, smooth texture of the bread should be enough to dislodge the fish bone.

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When trying any of the aforementioned home remedies, drink sips of water in between attempts to prevent choking. Meanwhile,

Hard foods, such as nuts and candy, should be avoided, as they might only embed the fish bone deeper into the throat.

If the home remedies don't work, and the fish bone remains stuck, or if symptoms such as difficulty breathing, chest pain, vomiting, or hematuria (blood in the stool) occur, it's best to visit a doctor for proper treatment.

Robert R. Beltran, M.D., is an otolaryngologist with a practice in Irvine, California. For more discussions on home remedies for swallowed fish bones, follow this Twitter account.